Hi, I'm Gahasa Purba

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What I Do

I am an IT Enthusiast that currently work as Software Engineer. I have a huge interest in IT field especially in application & website development.

More about me

I'm using several programming languages such as Java, PHP, JavaScript, and SQL to build apps and websites.

I'm able to work independently or in a team, responsible, and learn new things quickly.

Top Expertise

I also have a good knowledge using Java & PHP framework such as Spring Boot & Laravel.

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  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • SQL
  • Java
  • Phyton
  • Photography
  • Videography

Some of my past projects


MeatNauli is a tourism website for a tourist village called Meat in Toba, North Sumatra. This website consists of several features such as tourist information, blogs, qna forums, e-commerce, etc. This website is built using the PHP framework, Laravel, with various packages and APIs such as Laravel Socialite, Laravel Excel, Laravel PDF Export, Laravel Comments, RajaOngkir API, and Instagram API.

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KawanPeduli was built to present a website that can be a forum for information and communication about COVID-19 for the people of Indonesia. On this website, users can view COVID-19 statistics in Indonesia. Users can also find information about COVID-19 through blogs and qna forums. This website was built using the PHP framework, Laravel, with various packages and APIs such as Laravel Socialite, Laravel Excel, Laravel PDF Export, Laravel Comments, Laravel Sweet Alerts, and KawalCorona API.

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Laelaekalam Store

Laelaekalam Store is a simple marketplace built using Laravel and Vue.js. There is a payment gateway integration as a payment method in this website which is useful for facilitating the transaction process between sellers and buyers. In this website there is also an admin panel to make it easier for administrators to manage all application data.

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SIP Del is an information system website that is intended to manage every process of submission, receipt and payment of every commodity or items at Del Institute of Technology. This website was built using Laravel with various packages, such as Laravel DOM PDF which is used to print payment invoices.

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NusaBelajar is an online learning platform that provides various classes that can be learned by everyone. In NusaBelajar, users can also read articles on the blog, discuss with mentors and other users, and participate in various learning events. This website is built using the PHP framework Laravel with various packages, like Laravel Socialite for Sign In and Sign Up integration using google account, Laravel DataTables, and Laravel DOM PDF for printing user completion certificates. The payment method on this website has also been integrated with the Midtrans payment gateway to facilitatethe transaction process in purchasing classes.

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SPK Jenis Pupuk

Study of a Decision Support System to Determine the Type of Artificial Fertilizer in Rice Plants Using the Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) Method Implemented in the Form of a Website Using the Laravel Framework.

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